William’s North Texas Hazardous Weather Forecast this Evening:
No hazardous weather is expected at this time.
The latest Drought Monitor was released for North Texas this morning. Even though we saw rain this week there is not a lot of improvement. The reason is because the Monitor is actually processed on Tuesday and released Thursday so it does not take into account most of the rain we saw this week. More rain is on the way by late weekend into early next week – we should eventually see significant improvement to this map.
An unsettled and stormy pattern develops by late weekend into next week with almost daily chances of rain. It won’t rain in every backyard every day but the probabilities will be there.
The recent rain and storms have put us right where we should be for the month as far as typical rainfall. DFW is still running just over an inch deficit for the year.
Morning clouds will give way to some afternoon sun with milder temperatures in the Metroplex.